First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Comment on Jose's Post

Amir is a coward and is gutless. Part of me definitely despises Amir for his actions and ability to watch the person he grew up with get raped. Most people could not even watch a complete stranger get raped and be able to stand it.  It shows his deep selfishness, some of which has been taught to him by societal standards. He tries to tell himself that Hassan is just a Hazara, which he knows is not true. However, I cannot forget the fact that Amir is only 12 and deeply craves love and respect from his father who just sees him as the material who killed his wife. I agree that Hassan is the bigger person because even though Amir must deal with a lot at a young age, Hassan has to deal with even more, and still finds a way to serve those who hurt him, literally. I think the Hassan serving Assef was the worst thing Amir has seen, and its a extremely powerful image. Its true that Hassan continuously protects someone who would never protect him, and I do not know how much longer he will be able to take that. I too lost respect for Amir and I think its true that if people were to see him as an adult, he will never be looked at the same. It may make Amir feel powerful to throw the pomegranates at Hassan but I agree that it makes him look pathetic, even though he is just looking to get punished back. 

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