First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Comment on Ben's Post

I completely disagree with Ben. In my opinion, it is very easy to blame Amir for his actions. Yes, it is true that his father does not show much love, but he has Rahim who does show him affection, he has shelter, food, and toys; all a young teenager really needs. His father buys him anything he wants and even has two servants. There is no way anyone can say that he has had a rough or miserable childhood. It is true that Hassan has not experienced the same as Amir. Hassan has not had a terrible upbringing either, but imagine being in Hassan’s shoes. Imagine having to live with someone your own age, whom you have had to serve every day of your life. As an infant, you have been taught to cook, clean and do everything for someone you consider your friend.
I do not think Amir finds pleasure in hurting Hassan and I definitely do not think it has anything to do with his past. I believe, as simple as it is, that Amir is just jealous of Hassan. Whether or not Amir realizes it, I think his actions are based on making his father proud.  He does not want to intentionally hurt Hassan, but he lets it happen anyways. I blame Amir for what Happened to Hassan in the alley with Assef. Amir could have easily stepped up and at least have tried to stop it, but instead he did absolutely nothing. He did not go for help, he did not scream, he just sat there because he wanted to make his father proud. It’s ironic though, how by hurting Hassan by blaming him for stealing his money and watch, Baba will probably never forgive Amir and their relationship will end. 

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