First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Comment on Emily's Post

I agree completely with Emily's perspective on the difference between Hassan and Amir. I strongly belive that Hassan is a more presonable character because of the way he was treated as a child and because he was forced to work and live in the real world from a very young age. I think that Amir was never givenadny support for being the way he was born to be and that is why he turned out the way he did. Another thing that is important to point out is that Amir grew up as a spoiled rivch kid who never had tow ork for anything in his life. This caused him to lack a strong work ethic and the drive that Hassan possesses. This differences in character are also a product of they way each of these two boys were treated by their fathers. Baba never gave Amir love and nurture the way that Ali gave Hassan. This causes Amir to have a lack of empathy and charisma that Hassan does in fact posesss. 

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