First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Comment on Davis' post

I hundred percent agree with Davis when he states that Hassan is like the son Baba has always wanted and should receive Baba's respect. Amir is a coward and decides to run away from the problem instead of helping Hassan who is basically his father. Davis pointed out that the two boys had grown up together and had nursed from the same breast. If that does not create a bond between the two of them then what will? It is obvious that Hassan feels the need to defend Amir and be loyal to him but Amir never returns the favor. Instead, Amir runs and then acts like a spoiled brat. In my opinion, Amir should have told Baba or even Ali about what happened in the alley and his guilt would have gone away. The way Amir responded to what happened made me despise him. Just like Davis, I was utterly disgusted to find out that Amir did not stand up for Hassan and then later tried everything he could to get Hassan out of the house. His final attempt of kicking Hassan out was so low and so hurtful that even I felt the pain Baba and Ali went through.

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