First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Monday, November 11, 2013

Comment on Jose Nova's: "I despise Amir"

Wendell Pfeffer
Comment on Jose Nova’s: “I despise Amir”

            Jose brings up many good valid points that reveal the narrators true inner qualities. I personally cannot agree more with Jose. Ever since I began to read this book Amir has proven himself unworthy to Hassan’s friendship. Hassan does everything for Amir: he listens to his stories, comforts him, cleans after him and defends him. However, after all of these things Amir continues to resent Hassan. The main reason behind this factor is because Hassan wins over Amir’s fathers’ love unintentionally. His athleticism and good qualities make Amir’s father remind him about his childhood, while Amir reminds him of a coward and a weakling. I felt a little sorry for Amir in the beginning of the story, but when Amir witnessed Hassan getting raped without doing absolutely anything I lost all of my respect for him like Jose. How could you watch anyone get raped in front of your eyes, if it were me I would have done everything in my power to stop it. The only reason Assef raped Hassan is because he didn’t want to let Amir down. He sacrificed himself; Amir should have done the same.
            I now agree with Jose fully that I should begin to feel sorry for Hassan and not Amir. After Hassan having to withstand all of that pain for a person that he believes to be his friend - he receives no recognition or comfort from Amir. Instead Amir “shrugs him off” and makes it seem that he has done something wrong. Amir is now clearly demonstrating himself as a coward and is about to lose the one person that “cared deeply about him.”

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