First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Movie vs Book

     There are many intricate details from the novel "The Kite Runner" that were excluded from the production of the movie. First, when creating the movie the director choose to start the movie when Amir is making a phone call to Rahim Kahn. However, in the novel it shows Amir in an interview. In my opinion, this was a good choice by the director. I think that showing that he was in a dilemma as an adult made it so the viewer of the picture wanted to know what was the cause of this problem.
     The second detail that was left out by the director was the fact that Hassan had a cleft palate. In the novel, Baba takes Hassan to get his cleft palate fixed for his birthday out of love. This is a present that would last a lifetime. Contrary to the novel, the film shows Baba buying Hassan a kite on his birthday. I did not particularly like this because it took away from the fact that Baba put lots of thought and care into his present. It was not an object, rather something out of love.
     Another aspect of the novel that was left out by the director of the movie was that Sorhab tried to kill himself. Although I understand the fact that he might not have wanted to show something so graphic into the book, I think that it is something that is very important into setting up the relationship between Amir and Sorhab. It reinforced the idea that Sorhab would have rather killed himself than go back to an orphanage.
     Overall, I enjoyed reading the book more than I enjoyed the movie. The small details that were included in the book made the book so enjoyable. It also made the book realistic. In my opinion, directors should start to pay more attention to the actual storyline of the books and not digress from them too much. Sometimes the small details make something enjoyable as a whole.

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