First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Monday, January 13, 2014

Comment on Mooona's post

            At least I know I am not the only one who might have water marks on the pages.  I agree with Mona when she maid the comment that the book was very realistic. Even though it had a lot of foreshadowing you did not know what to actually expect. Like Mona mentioned, the parallel between past and present was a good tool to help shape the characters and see how the relationships foiled one an other. I also found interesting that the biggest sin in the religion is to kill someone while the Taliban would repeatedly attempt and actually kill people. The book actually opened my eyes on the Afghan history. I knew there was a war going on but I never actually knew the specific details about it. The way Afghanistan was portrayed in the beginning made it seem like this beautiful place contrary to what it became at the end of the novel and what we all see in pictures of present day.  The similarity between Hassan and Sohrab also caught my attention as I read the book. It almost seemed as if Sohrab was placed in the book to show Amir that there is a road to redemption. It is ironic how Sohrab has so much of Hassan in him but at the same time as so many aspects of Amir. Sohrab is the perfect mix between Hassan and Amir. He also represents the mixture of the two bloodlines no longer but united.

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