First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Monday, January 13, 2014

Kirsner Komment

Dear Emily,

I liked how you discussed the fact that the entire novel focuses on one single thing that Amir did wrong in his childhood. On one hand, it seems to make the book go somewhat slow at points, but on the other hand, it ties everything together in a full circle ending with obvious resolution. I also liked how you discussed the fact that readers are often torn in various parts of the book in deciding whether or not Amir is a character that they admire or a character that the despite. I could see how somebody would say that Amir watched his half-brother, even though he may have not known it at the time, get raped and stood by doing absolutely nothing and never apologized to him. Some people may hate him for this, some may hate him for Ali and Hassan’s move. Either way, I can see how people could dislike Hassan. On the other hand, you state that people could like Amir. I see this in that he was, after all, just a boy when the rape occurred and thus should be treated as such in people’s evaluation of his character. After all, he continued his life trying to be a good person after his several childhood mistakes. Overall, you brought up some insightful comments on this novel that I agree with. Like you said, people can definitely be torn in their opinions on this story. 

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