First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Comment on Max's

      I agree with Max in that Hassan should have had a cleft lip in the movie as well. Because this was not included, the scene in which Baba buys him a surgery for his birthday was also eliminated. The surgery is a huge sign that Baba cares about Hassan as much as Amir. This action by Baba is a key element in the story that depicts his love for his second son. It was probably not included in the movie because it is hard to resemble a cleft lip, but I feel that it would have added a lot to the portrayal of their relationship.
      I was also surprised by the fact that Sohrab's suicide was not included in the movie. I find that scene to be one of the most emotional and important parts of the movie, as it demonstrates how all of the hardships that this young boy has been through finally take a toll on him. He is sick of all of the disappointments, and nostalgic of his old life, which pushes him to try to kill himself. Also, his suicide makes Amir pray and it is what leads him to become religious. Because Sohrab survived, Amir becomes a highly religious person, and that is an aspect of the novel that should have been included in the movie.

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