First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Saturday, January 11, 2014

final response

     The Kite Runner managed to grasp my attention from the very first page I read. Once I picked up the book I couldn't put it down until I finished the entire novel. Hosseini does a great job at describing the characters motifs and actions and how they began to grow and develop throughout the rest of the story.
      What mostly impressed me was the change that Amir went though. I hated Amir at the beginning of the novel. The way he betrayed Hassan, ignored him, and then plotted to get rid of him made me furious. Hassan was the one person that would do anything for Amir, yet Amir still chose to get rid of him. Besides Hassan getting rapped, I think that Amirs jealousy was another main reason that drove Amir to grow apart from Hassan. Amir devoted most of his childhood life to get his fathers attention. He knew that even though he was Baba's son, he was still the complete opposite of him. He hated when Baba treated Hassan like his own son, causing Amir to have more reasons to want Hassan out of their home. As a child Amir was selfish and inconsiderate, but as I continued to read I was astonished that he was able to mature and grow out of his childish ways.
        When Baba and Amir moved out of the war zones in Afghanistan and into America, a closer bond formed between the two. Amir matured throughout high school, but in a way he was still the same little boy he always was. Amir still depended on Baba for almost everything and was amazed by the way Baba remained so prideful and courages at all times since he knew that he was the complete opposite of that. Eventually, Baba got sick and Amir had to step up to take care of not only himself, but his sick father as well. Baba lived to attend his sons wedding, but he soon passed away.
       Soraya and Amir started a new life together, but Amir was still haunted by his past with Hassan. Even though Soraya told Amir all about her past, Amir still remained to much of a coward to tell her about his past with Hassan. It wasn't until Rahim Khan called Amir that I began to see a complete change within Amirs personality. When he found out about Hassans past and what happened to him and his family he felt compelled to save Hassans son. This was his last chance to be good again. At first, I thought he was mainly doing this so he could live his life guilt free once again. He would save the child, take him to a safe adoption home, and continue on life with Soraya. When Rahim Khan mentioned for the first time that Hassan was actually Baba's son, and his half brother, Amir finally saw similarities between himself and his father. His father committed a terrible sin which was why he spent so many years helping others and giving back to the community. Baba was trying to find his own way to be good again, just like he was, and even though he was first upset when he heard the news, Amir gained the courage to go back to the war zones in Kabul and face the Taliban in order to save Hassans son, his own nephew.
        I was surprised when I realized that it was Assef working with the Taliban and keeping Sohrab as his own personal servant, but I should have expected it. I would have never imagined Amir fighting against anyone, let alone the Taliban. He stood up and fought Assef for a boy he barely knew. He risked his life but was eventually able to walk out of there with Sohrab alive. Amir again proved to be courageous when he did everything he could to bring back Sohrab into the U.S to ensure his safety. He remained in Afghanistan until then, knowing that it was dangerous to stay with Taliban searching for him for what he had done to Assef. At times, Sohrab was very quiet and made little to no interactions at all with Amir, yet Amir did not give up. He felt compelled to save this little boys life and now make him feel safe. I thought it was a very bold move when he decided to adopt Sohrab. He had already saved him which was all he was asked to do. Nevertheless he decided to take him into his own home and to care for him himself regardless of the difficulties that came with it.
        Even though Sohrab completely neglected Amir at times, Amir never gave up and continued to do everything to make Sohrab feel like a normal boy. Amir will continue to fight for Sohrab not to relieve his own guilt, but because he truly loves him and because he is the only thing he has left of Hassan. The way Amir grew throughout this novel really did amaze me. Amir realizes that after all, he did have something in common with his father, and that he did the biggest favor that he could have done for Hassan, save his sons life.

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