First Period Blog

First Period Blog

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Who is Amir's Real Father Figure

Amir is usually proud of Baba and what he stands for as a professional, however, Baba does seem to fail repeatedly as a father figure to Amir. Although he provides a roof, food, and all the commodities Air could ask for, he does not provide much concern or care to his son's ambitions or feelings. Thankfully, Amir has Rahim Khan who provides him with motivation and a emotional support when his father fails to do so. Amir also has Ali who cares for his everyday needs and tends to him. The question is prominent throughout the first forty pages of the book: who is more of a father to Amir?
Baba wants Amir to be like him, he doesn't really care what Amir wants to do or what his aspirations are. For Baba, the most important thing is that Amir acts like Baba did and like Baba thinks a boy his age should act. Rahim, on the other hand wants Amir to self-actualize. Rahim encourages Amir to pursue his writing because he realizes that the kid has talent. In a private conversation between Rahim and Baba, we can clearly see that Rahim truly cares for Amir and his goals. We are also exposed to Baba's perspective on Amir and what he thinks Amir should be like. For the rest of the novel, I expect to see a conflict between Rahim and Baba over Amir and their individual perspectives and approaches to raising this boy and what should be done to educate him.

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